PK: In his memoirs (written 50 years after it happened) my Dad 'forgot' one entire voyage around the globe in the summer of 1941. I have reconstructed her route but thats about all I Add a translation in Nederlandshave found ...
Adriaan Willem Kik (1919-2000)
Lest we forget
The Netherlands started the war with 640 seagoing ships. From these 351 ships were lost during the war. Of the 12000 Dutch and 6500 other nationalities that manned those ships, 3600 were killed.
Killed while serving on Abbekerk:
Still under repair …
The site is still not fully repaired after a hack attempt. Some parts, including few of the Dutch translations and menu’s,stillĀ do not work yet. This will be fixt later this year.
Apologies for the inconvenience, Peter.
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Recent comments
Rich Luke says:
Gill Pollock says:
Steve Wade says:
Geweldig! Mijn vader was artillerist aan boord van de Abbekerk, Cornelis van der Boon (1917) inmiddels al 32 jaar overleden. Wel wat verhalen van hem gehoord, maar dit is veel meer gedetailleerd.
Jaap van der Boon