Route sixth voyage

November 1941 – August 1942

Glasgow (Clyde) – Durban – Singapore – Tjilatjap – Fremantle – Basra – Trinidad – Atlantic

Departure   Arrival   Remarks
Clyde Nov 12 Freetown Nov 25 WS.12Z (Clyde – Freetown)
Freetown Nov 28 Durban Dec 18 WS.12Z (Clyde – Freetown)
Durban Dec 24     WS.12Z (Clyde – Freetown)
    Singapore Jan 13 DM.1 ( From Ws 12 – Singapore)
Singapore Jan 30 Oosthaven Feb 01 Independent
Oosthaven Feb 15 Tjilatap Feb 17 Independent
Tjilatap Feb 27 Fremantle Mar 04 Independent
Fremantle Mar 18 Bunbury Mar 19 Independent
Bunbury Mar 29 Fremantle Mar 30 Independent,slepers, locomotives cereal, wheat
Fremantle Apr 04 Colombo Apr 18 Independent, slepers, locomotives cereal, wheat
Colombo May 15 Basra May 23 Independent,slepers, locomotives, wheat
Basra May 28 Abadan May 29 Independent
Abadan Jun 01 Durban Jun 14 Independent, in balast,First the plan was for another voyage to australia and back with weath
Durban Jul 02 Trinidad Jul 21 Independent, in balast
Trinidad Aug 15   Aug 24 Independent, sugar, mail


2 Responses

  1. Steve Wade says:

    Dear Peter,
    Great website. Thanks for all the work. I too am the son of a sailor from that era who was on the Marblehead before, during, and after her bombing. As time permits, I write biographies on the sailors who were on Marblehead at that time. These are posted on I have not yet covered all of the info on your site, but I am wondering whether or not you have passenger lists for the Feb – Mar 1942 escape from Tjilatjap to Fremantle, if such were kept. If they were kept but you don’t have them, do you know who might have copies of them?
    Many thanks again,
    Steve, son of Frank V. Wade, BM2c, USS Marblehead, 1939-1945

  2. Bruno Zaoral says:

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